
Things to do when I finish exams

x Go and visit Him.
x Kiss Him so bad.
x Go shopping.
x Play Final Fantasy.
x Watch anime.
x Read books.
x Tidy up my room.
x Visit Him again.
x Sleep. Gosh, I'm craving for more sleep.
x Study Japanese.
x Watch more films.
x Play piano for hours.
x Buy freaky things.
x Buy clothes.
x Download more music.
x Print On a way to smile, but this one with enough ink so I can read it ¬¬. 
x Have FFVII Piano Sheet Music printed.
x Laze about.
x Go out and socialize. Yeah, Wrath, it's time for us to contact with other people XD.

... I need to finish this.


Perséfone said...

Y vernos, capullo.

Anonymous said...

But I don't like other people...they scare me!!