

Today we've had this kind of muffin meeting in Barcelona and I've adored it.
I don't know, we've talked about lots of interesting things. From psychological illnesses to anime. 
I never thought I would find so many people like this in a forum, let alone in a forum I built. I'm too used to seeing them disappear u_u.
Anyway, I loved it, and I hope this will carry on for a long time :).
BTW, I stole this at Sunday's LJ and I found it pretty interesting. It is more or less right, but it doesn't say anything reaaaally relevant. Quite random.

Your rainbow is strongly shaded blue and brown.


What is says about you: You are a deep thinking person. You appreciate friends who get along with one another. You feel closer to people when you understand their imperfections. You share hobbies with friends and like trying to fit into their routines.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.



Ok, this is fucking stupid.
He's wearing this suit, he's acting like Alice's rabbit and...

Videos tu.tv



I've always thought of myself as a really awful fan. I love listening to music; but I'm not fond of looking through my "idol's" life; there are some groups I don't even know the name of the singer. I don't pay attention to their life, neither their musical life. I usually notice they have a new CD when it has been on the internet for a long time.

But this has changed. 

Now I find myself searching for anything new EA has made, I'm posting in the official forum and I've even built a Spanish one. It's a stupid thing, but it is important for me.

Most of the people think I'll get over it, like I get over everything in my life, but I know this is different. I loved MCR, but even with them, I didn't feel something towards them (more than admiration, and sexual atraction). They were great, yeah, but nothing more. But I feel like Emilie Autumn has put a beautiful spot in my life, making me feel like someone over the ocean is making something bloody awesome for people like me, and I have the pleasure to share her passion towards music. 

I know, everyone has its fan time, and it's a stupid thing making it important enough to write it down here, but the thing is that I find myself interested enough in something to be important for a long time, which is not very common. I am usually obsessed with something for some time, and afterwards, it is over there, but there are more important things to pay attention to, even though I never forget anything I was obsessed with. I just get obsessed with something else. But now I get obsessed with lots of things and EA. She's not being left behind, not even losing importance. Many people would think "that's what I do all the time, so don't make it soooo important, nerd", but I don't really do this that currently, so for me it is an exception.

I dunno, I just wanted to write it down and feel like a real fan. It's the first time I know what the bloody word means. And I love it.