

OMG I got one!!! A limited edition of the Opheliac EP signed by EA. The knight bade for it and he got it!


♪: Swallow - Emilie Autumn :)


End time: 11 mins 57 secs (Jul-29-08 06:13:07 PDT)




Home, sweet home

Here I am again! I came back on Saturday but you know, I was kind of exhausted and wanted to pass the day with The Knight because he was leaving on Sunday.

It was pretty cool over there, people are different, it's obvious, and they are all open-minded and don't freak out when seeing you wearing what seems to be "different", so I adored it. But that's not something new. Anyway, I'm officialy enrolled in the UAB and I loved it; they gave us tons of little gifts and it dazzled me *¬*, now I have a new pendrive and some thingies :3. I loved the building too, it's pretty nice.

It was warm as hell over there, for the record; thank goodness classes start at September, I need cold weather to survive. I finally got a flat too, so it's official Sunday =), after 3 years planning it and fearing any setback, we actually have a flat in Cerdanyola, and we are going to share it ! Yayy !

I'm going to miss many things here, though. My family, Wrath, the weather, my English and Piano classes... These days with The Knight have been fabulous, we've had so much fun and the more time I spend with him the more I miss him when he's gone. He will visit me over there, will you, dear? :).

Uhm... Besides, Emilie autumn performance is confirmed! The club seems to be pretty cool and victorian, I'm sooo looking forward to hearing her on stage! It's a pity she isn't going to give an aftershow signing time, but I'm still waiting for her to anounce it :).

There's not anymore to tell, well, to be honest, I don't feel like writing anymore today.

See you soon.

♪: The last night - Skillet.


Square OMG


*faints excited*


I've just finished watching Hard Candy. I loved it, absolutely recommend it =)~~~~~~

♪: Void - Darren Hayes.



OMG. After seeing TH videos...  Bill is soooooooo lovely and sweet <3.

(you're more lovely, knight, don't worry :P)

I'm extending this post because I started it watching some TH videos so I just wrote this in order to extend it afterwards. So, the fact is that I don't really liked live videos of any group (even MCR), but, to be honest, I didn't see too much, I just watched three of four and due to the fact that they were quite bad (they weren't kind of oficial, you know, just people recording on the concerts). Anyway, the fact is that I started watching the video of Tokio Hotel in Rock in rio (because they didn't seem to broadcast it on tv) and then I downloaded some from MCR, and Emilie Autumn, and more of Tokio Hotel...

And ok, now I know why Sundaybuys the dvds and all that stuff, they are extremely rad, you can feel the energy of the concert and the documentaries and thingies are sooo funny!

Anyway, I'll start to buy dvds aswell.

I hope Sunday's having a good time there =).



What's going on in the cruelest dream?!



Stolen from Sunday :D.


01. Where is your cell phone? Near.
02. Your significant other? El entrego.
03. Your hair? Red.
04. Your mother? Cinema.
05. Your father? Anywhere.
06. Your favourite thing? Life.
07. Your dream last night? Oblivion.
08. Your favorite drink? Tea.
09. Your dream/goal? Perfection.
10. The room you're in? Music.
11. Your ex? Worthless.
12. Your fear? Death.
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Tokio.
14. Where were you last night? Bed.
15. What you're not? Equal.
16. Muffins? Oven.
17. One of your wish list items? Tranquility.
18. Where you grew up? Home.
19. The last thing you did? Swear.
20. What are you wearing? Pijama.
21. Your TV? Somewhere.
22. Your pets? Future.
23. Your computer? Basic.
24. Your life? Full.
25. Your mood? Addicted.
26. Missing someone? Everyone.
27. Your car? No.
28. Something you're not wearing? Shame.
29. Favourite Store? Typo.
30. Your summer? Hell.
31. Like someone? Sure.
32. Your favourite colour? Crimson.
33. When is the last time you laughed? Today.
34. Last time you cried? Someday.
35. Who will/would re-post this? No.

♪: The diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin.

I don't know how, but I absolutely overlooked this song of Tokio Hotel, now I've just found it on youtube and I'm utterly in love with it. It's so perfect...

Die Straßen leer
Ich dreh mich um
Die Nacht hat mich verloren
Ein kalter Wind
Die Welt erstarrt
Die Sonne ist erfroren
Dein Bild ist sicher
Ich trag’s in mir
Über 1000 Meere
Zurück zu dir
Zurück zu uns
Wir dürfen unseren Glauben nicht verlieren
Vertrau mir

Wir müssen nur noch 1000 Meere weit
Durch 1000 dunkle Jahre ohne zeit
1000 Sterne zieh’n vorbei
Wir müssen nur noch 1000 Meere weit
Noch 1000-mal durch die Unendlichkeit
Dann sind wir endlich frei

Irgendwo ist der Ort
Den nur wir beide kennen
Lief alles anders als gedacht
Der Puls in den Adern
Ist viel zu schwach
Doch irgendwie schlagen uns die Herzen durch die Nacht –
Vertrau mir

Wir müssen nur noch 1000 Meere weit
Durch 1000 dunkle Jahre ohne zeit
1000 Sterne zieh’n vorbei
Wir müssen nur noch 1000 Meere weit
Noch 1000-mal durch die Unendlichkeit
Dann sind wir endlich frei

Niemand und Nichts nehmen wir mit
Und irgendwann schau’n wir auf jetzt zurück

1000 Meere weit
1000 Jahre ohne Zeit
Noch 1000 Meere weit
1000 Sterne zieh’n vorbei
Lass dich zu mir treiben
Ich lass mich zu dir treiben

Wir müssen nur noch 1000 Meere weit
Durch 1000 dunkle Jahre ohne zeit
1000 Sterne zieh’n vorbei
Wir müssen nur noch 1000 Meere weit
Noch 1000-mal durch die Unendlichkeit
Dann sind wir frei

Lass dich zu mir treiben
Ich lass mich zu dir treiben
1000 Meere weit.

♪: 1000 meere - Tokio Hotel.



She is speaks in the third person so she can forget that she's me
8th October. I will be there, at least I'll endeavour ò.o



OK, this is kind of serious. Or not, it's not so important in fact, but I don't mind, it was strange.

I dreamt about Bill Kaulitz and (WTH?) a little guy who was supposed to be Bill without make up and his hair (because in my dream Bill could change his hair into short hair) and it was like a very important event and I was there, and Wrath too, and many people of my high school which was pretty disgusting, there was an ancient friend even to whom I haven't talked for ages.

Anyway, they (because the two Bills were at the same time there... Kind of strange) had dinner with us and then we went out and there was like people shaking hands with the king (?) and then we went out of the restaurant and I just started to act like a crazy fan girl. I mean, I love Tokio Hotel since I found them and I think Bill is a very interesting person, but I'm sure I won't act like I did in my dream. I swear.

In the end, I got like 5 photographs with Bill (and 2 with both FakeBill and RealBill) and I was absolutely amazed, and thinking "Sunday would crave to be here", and I was scared of the fact that it would be a simple dream, but Wrath (cruel you...) told me it couldn't be a dream because I used my mobile phone in it (?) so then I woke up in the dream and looked the photos and even though they turned out to be shit, one or two were pretty cool.

And then I woke up and realize that it was a really weird dream. Not like the one in which I dressed up like a lolita, but identically real.

♪: Tokio hotel - Üebers ende der welt.


Take a good hard look!

It's ages since I last saw the MCR video for I'm not ok, I'm don't usually watch music videos just the first days because I prefer to listen to the music, but this video put a spot in my life sooo big. It gave me strength when I though I was weak, and it made me realize people are shit =D, and that there are few ones who really deserve your care.

Now I'm watching it again and it makes me feel soooo excited. I love it.

♪: I'm not ok - My chemical romance =)