What is says about you: You are a deep thinking person. You appreciate friends who get along with one another. You feel closer to people when you understand their imperfections. You share hobbies with friends and like trying to fit into their routines.
Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.
I've always thought of myself as a really awful fan. I love listening to music; but I'm not fond of looking through my "idol's" life; there are some groups I don't even know the name of the singer. I don't pay attention to their life, neither their musical life. I usually notice they have a new CD when it has been on the internet for a long time.
But this has changed.
Now I find myself searching for anything new EA has made, I'm posting in the official forum and I've even built a Spanish one. It's a stupid thing, but it is important for me.
Most of the people think I'll get over it, like I get over everything in my life, but I know this is different. I loved MCR, but even with them, I didn't feel something towards them (more than admiration, and sexual atraction). They were great, yeah, but nothing more. But I feel like Emilie Autumn has put a beautiful spot in my life, making me feel like someone over the ocean is making something bloody awesome for people like me, and I have the pleasure to share her passion towards music.
I know, everyone has its fan time, and it's a stupid thing making it important enough to write it down here, but the thing is that I find myself interested enough in something to be important for a long time, which is not very common. I am usually obsessed with something for some time, and afterwards, it is over there, but there are more important things to pay attention to, even though I never forget anything I was obsessed with. I just get obsessed with something else. But now I get obsessed with lots of things and EA. She's not being left behind, not even losing importance. Many people would think "that's what I do all the time, so don't make it soooo important, nerd", but I don't really do this that currently, so for me it is an exception.
I dunno, I just wanted to write it down and feel like a real fan. It's the first time I know what the bloody word means. And I love it.
Today it's been pretty cold. I loved it, I miss Santander weather, its dampness, its rain, its green landscape... I'm so looking forward to coming back there; I'm utterly happy here, I love the people I've met, and being comfortable without having to think about what others would say about me.
But the North will always fill my heart.
I'm starting to regret not having visited more villages in Cantabria; I don't like Santander, but I adore the villages, even more than Barcelona. I know they will be there forever, and that I will be able to visit them anytime I go to Cantabria; but anyway... You know, only when you lose something will you start appreciating it.
And it's not only the weather. I miss my family, I miss the Knight and his house full of this feeling of "home", I miss Wrath and her laugh, my piano, my room, the waves on the sea...
I'm just homesick.
♪: Sobrepena - Hevia.

"Now I want to sing something special, something for me, and you all. Not the bloody crumpets, just you and me. Us."
It's not the time
It's not the place
I'm just another pretty face
So don't come any closer
You're not the first
You're not the last
How many more?
Don't even ask
You're one more dead composer
Do I need you?
Yes and no
Do I want you?
Maybe so
You're getting warm
You're getting warm
You're getting warmer oh
Did you plan this all along
Did you care if it was wrong
Who's getting warmer now
That I'm gone
Misery loves company
And company loves more
More loves everybody else
But hell is others
I'm not for you
You're not for me
I'll kill you first
You wait and see
You devil undercover
You're not a prince
You're not a friend
You're just a child
And in the end
You're one more selfish lover
Do I need you?
Yes and no
Do I want you?
Maybe so
You're getting warm
You're getting warm
You're getting warmer oh
Did you plan this all along
Did you care if it was wrong
Who's getting warmer now
That I'm gone
Misery loves company
And company loves more
More loves everybody else
But hell is others
You're so easy to read
But the book is boring me
You're so easy to read
But the book is boring me
You're so easy to read
But the book is boring
Boring boring boring boring
Boring boring me
Pray for me
If you want to
Pray for me
If you care
Pray for me
If you want to
Pray for me
If you dare
Pray for me
If you want to
Pray for me
If you care
Pray for me
If you want to
Pray for me you fucker
If you fucking dare
Misery loves company
And company loves more
More loves everybody else
But hell is others...
Thank you so much.
♪: Mad girl - Emilie Autumn.
4 o'clock.
I'll explain later, now I'll just say that I know for sure this is the best gig of my life. No one would be any better.
Just perfect, no words can explain how good they did it. And now I'll go and pick up The Knight because he's staying here this week-end =D.
Rozen Maiden :D
It's confirmed, Peach-Pit will continue Rozen Maiden project and it will go on! :D I'm sooooo happy now. (L)
I'll have to wait untill it's in English but the thing is that it's going to be continued. Yay! :D
1st day of my university-omg-I-am-so-fucking-cool-life
So far my classes are being soooo cool. Above all Japanese (L).
Well, I've only had my Japanese and Spanish classes, nothing more *-). Anyway, I loooved my Faculty soo bad. Eventhough I was late today XD. Let's see what happens tomorrow...
I'm stealing wi-fi from some kind neighbour, though it is not very comfortable, I'm sitting on a sofa next to the balcony door in order to let the laptop outside the house getting marvellous internet and me inside and not burning under the sun. Not very nice, but I have internet, what is reaaaaally nice :3 and I can talk with The Knight and not miss him too much. I'm missing him anyway, but at least we can chat (despite his watching the bloody circus program :33333).
♪: TV.
We lace it through our bitter, black little hearts
And then we feign surprise when we see
That those we've loved to love
Have seeped into our poisoned blood
Girls that glitter deceive death
We thread ourselves through innocent flesh
And then we feign surprise when we see
That those we've loved to waste they seem to be erased
Knit it through, thread it, sew it to unsuspecting flesh
They won't regret it, or so they say
And those you have loved have snagged on your thorny veins
But they don't regret it, or so you say
Girls that glitter desecrate a kiss
We break the code of happiness
And then we feign surprise when we see
That those we've loved have loved to leave
Girls that glitter defile hope
We think that love is just tightening that sad little rope
And then we open our eyes and we see
Through the gash of a fluttering eyelash
We see love trying desperately to flee
But you don't ever have to fear
Just break its wings and it will never disappear
You don't ever have to fear
Just break its wings and it will never disappear
Knit it through, capture it
And stitch it to your brittle little heart
At least that way love can't tear it apart
Knit it through, sew it to
They won't regret you
...And if they do?
But the thing that girls know best
Is that glitter covers all the ugliness
And they know one thing above all the rest:
Sparkle covers evilness
Shimmer covers all the mess
Glitter covers darkness
And then came the moment when the swarm of bees drowned
One more of my obsessions.
♪: Girls that glitter love the dark - Hannah fury.
I've always listened to lots of celtic and classical music, it was my first passion in music and it is still one, though I listen to many others styles.
The thing is that I've been lately just listening to classical or new age music. I dunno, but it feels like remembering those times in which I would only worry about the characters of the book I was reading at that moment. Or even playing a nice song on the piano.
Damn beautiful times...
♪: Last song - Era.
OMG I got one!!! A limited edition of the Opheliac EP signed by EA. The knight bade for it and he got it!
♪: Swallow - Emilie Autumn :)
Home, sweet home
Here I am again! I came back on Saturday but you know, I was kind of exhausted and wanted to pass the day with The Knight because he was leaving on Sunday.
It was pretty cool over there, people are different, it's obvious, and they are all open-minded and don't freak out when seeing you wearing what seems to be "different", so I adored it. But that's not something new. Anyway, I'm officialy enrolled in the UAB and I loved it; they gave us tons of little gifts and it dazzled me *¬*, now I have a new pendrive and some thingies :3. I loved the building too, it's pretty nice.
It was warm as hell over there, for the record; thank goodness classes start at September, I need cold weather to survive. I finally got a flat too, so it's official Sunday =), after 3 years planning it and fearing any setback, we actually have a flat in Cerdanyola, and we are going to share it ! Yayy !
I'm going to miss many things here, though. My family, Wrath, the weather, my English and Piano classes... These days with The Knight have been fabulous, we've had so much fun and the more time I spend with him the more I miss him when he's gone. He will visit me over there, will you, dear? :).
Uhm... Besides, Emilie autumn performance is confirmed! The club seems to be pretty cool and victorian, I'm sooo looking forward to hearing her on stage! It's a pity she isn't going to give an aftershow signing time, but I'm still waiting for her to anounce it :).
There's not anymore to tell, well, to be honest, I don't feel like writing anymore today.
See you soon.
♪: The last night - Skillet.
Square OMG
*faints excited*
I've just finished watching Hard Candy. I loved it, absolutely recommend it =)~~~~~~
♪: Void - Darren Hayes.
OMG. After seeing TH videos... Bill is soooooooo lovely and sweet <3.
(you're more lovely, knight, don't worry :P)
I'm extending this post because I started it watching some TH videos so I just wrote this in order to extend it afterwards. So, the fact is that I don't really liked live videos of any group (even MCR), but, to be honest, I didn't see too much, I just watched three of four and due to the fact that they were quite bad (they weren't kind of oficial, you know, just people recording on the concerts). Anyway, the fact is that I started watching the video of Tokio Hotel in Rock in rio (because they didn't seem to broadcast it on tv) and then I downloaded some from MCR, and Emilie Autumn, and more of Tokio Hotel...
And ok, now I know why Sundaybuys the dvds and all that stuff, they are extremely rad, you can feel the energy of the concert and the documentaries and thingies are sooo funny!
Anyway, I'll start to buy dvds aswell.
I hope Sunday's having a good time there =).
Stolen from Sunday :D.
01. Where is your cell phone? Near.
02. Your significant other? El entrego.
03. Your hair? Red.
04. Your mother? Cinema.
05. Your father? Anywhere.
06. Your favourite thing? Life.
07. Your dream last night? Oblivion.
08. Your favorite drink? Tea.
09. Your dream/goal? Perfection.
10. The room you're in? Music.
11. Your ex? Worthless.
12. Your fear? Death.
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Tokio.
14. Where were you last night? Bed.
15. What you're not? Equal.
16. Muffins? Oven.
17. One of your wish list items? Tranquility.
18. Where you grew up? Home.
19. The last thing you did? Swear.
20. What are you wearing? Pijama.
21. Your TV? Somewhere.
22. Your pets? Future.
23. Your computer? Basic.
24. Your life? Full.
25. Your mood? Addicted.
26. Missing someone? Everyone.
27. Your car? No.
28. Something you're not wearing? Shame.
29. Favourite Store? Typo.
30. Your summer? Hell.
31. Like someone? Sure.
32. Your favourite colour? Crimson.
33. When is the last time you laughed? Today.
34. Last time you cried? Someday.
35. Who will/would re-post this? No.
♪: The diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin.
I don't know how, but I absolutely overlooked this song of Tokio Hotel, now I've just found it on youtube and I'm utterly in love with it. It's so perfect...
Die Straßen leer
Ich dreh mich um
Die Nacht hat mich verloren
Ein kalter Wind
Die Welt erstarrt
Die Sonne ist erfroren
Dein Bild ist sicher
Ich trag’s in mir
Über 1000 Meere
Zurück zu dir
Zurück zu uns
Wir dürfen unseren Glauben nicht verlieren
Vertrau mir
Wir müssen nur noch 1000 Meere weit
Durch 1000 dunkle Jahre ohne zeit
1000 Sterne zieh’n vorbei
Wir müssen nur noch 1000 Meere weit
Noch 1000-mal durch die Unendlichkeit
Dann sind wir endlich frei
Irgendwo ist der Ort
Den nur wir beide kennen
Lief alles anders als gedacht
Der Puls in den Adern
Ist viel zu schwach
Doch irgendwie schlagen uns die Herzen durch die Nacht –
Vertrau mir
Wir müssen nur noch 1000 Meere weit
Durch 1000 dunkle Jahre ohne zeit
1000 Sterne zieh’n vorbei
Wir müssen nur noch 1000 Meere weit
Noch 1000-mal durch die Unendlichkeit
Dann sind wir endlich frei
Niemand und Nichts nehmen wir mit
Und irgendwann schau’n wir auf jetzt zurück
1000 Meere weit
1000 Jahre ohne Zeit
Noch 1000 Meere weit
1000 Sterne zieh’n vorbei
Lass dich zu mir treiben
Ich lass mich zu dir treiben
Wir müssen nur noch 1000 Meere weit
Durch 1000 dunkle Jahre ohne zeit
1000 Sterne zieh’n vorbei
Wir müssen nur noch 1000 Meere weit
Noch 1000-mal durch die Unendlichkeit
Dann sind wir frei
Lass dich zu mir treiben
Ich lass mich zu dir treiben
1000 Meere weit.
♪: 1000 meere - Tokio Hotel.
OK, this is kind of serious. Or not, it's not so important in fact, but I don't mind, it was strange.
I dreamt about Bill Kaulitz and (WTH?) a little guy who was supposed to be Bill without make up and his hair (because in my dream Bill could change his hair into short hair) and it was like a very important event and I was there, and Wrath too, and many people of my high school which was pretty disgusting, there was an ancient friend even to whom I haven't talked for ages.
Anyway, they (because the two Bills were at the same time there... Kind of strange) had dinner with us and then we went out and there was like people shaking hands with the king (?) and then we went out of the restaurant and I just started to act like a crazy fan girl. I mean, I love Tokio Hotel since I found them and I think Bill is a very interesting person, but I'm sure I won't act like I did in my dream. I swear.
In the end, I got like 5 photographs with Bill (and 2 with both FakeBill and RealBill) and I was absolutely amazed, and thinking "Sunday would crave to be here", and I was scared of the fact that it would be a simple dream, but Wrath (cruel you...) told me it couldn't be a dream because I used my mobile phone in it (?) so then I woke up in the dream and looked the photos and even though they turned out to be shit, one or two were pretty cool.
And then I woke up and realize that it was a really weird dream. Not like the one in which I dressed up like a lolita, but identically real.
♪: Tokio hotel - Üebers ende der welt.
Take a good hard look!
It's ages since I last saw the MCR video for I'm not ok, I'm don't usually watch music videos just the first days because I prefer to listen to the music, but this video put a spot in my life sooo big. It gave me strength when I though I was weak, and it made me realize people are shit =D, and that there are few ones who really deserve your care.
Now I'm watching it again and it makes me feel soooo excited. I love it.
♪: I'm not ok - My chemical romance =)
Hum, I'm home again, it's kind of strange because I've nearly spent the last three weeks out of home, but it feels good, like always. I love my room, my bed and my blankets, gosh, I absolutely adore my blankets (I don't mind how freak it should sound, they are soo warm and nice), but I miss The knight of goblets soooo bad, I spent these days with him and it was really cool =).
Anyway, we are travelling to Barcelona within some weeks and we are going to have some holidays together *O*. I'm so looking forward to be there sleeping and arranging all the UAB sheets and thingies. I'm praying to be accepted thoughIamutterlysureIwill.
♪: Moskau - Rammstein and t.A.T.u.
My personality, or something like that.
Independent Thinkers are analytical and witty persons. They are normally self-confident and do not let themselves get worked up by conflicts and criticism. They are very much aware of their own strengths and have no doubts about their abilities. People of this personality type are often very successful in their career as they have both competence and purposefulness. Independent Thinkers are excellent strategists; logic, systematics and theoretical considerations are their world. They are eager for knowledge and always endeavour to expand and perfect their knowledge in any area which is interesting for them. Abstract thinking comes naturally to them; scientists and computer specialists are often of this type.
Independent Thinkers are specialists in their area. The development of their ideas and visions is important to them; they love being as flexible as possible and, ideally, of being able to work alone because they often find it a strain having to make their complex trains of thought understandable to other people. Independent Thinkers cannot stand routine. Once they consider an idea to be good it is difficult to make them give it up; they pursue the implementation of that idea obstinately and persistently, also in the face of external opposition.
Independent Thinkers are not the type who easily comes out of his shell. Speaking about their emotional life is also not one of their strong points. Anyway, social relationships are not particularly important to them; they are happy with just a few, close friends who find it easy to share their intellectual world. They find it difficult to establish new ties. In love, they need a lot of space and independence but this does not mean that their partner is not important to them. Independent Thinkers often make a cool and reserved impression on others; but this impression is deceptive: they can hardly bear it if people close to them should reject them. They prefer a harmonious, balanced relationship with a partner who shares their interests and with whom they can realise their visions.
Adjectives which describe your type:
Introverted, theoretical, logical, planning, rational, independent, intellectual, self-confident, analytical, structured, dogged, witty, resolute, self-critical, visionary, inventive, independent, unsociable, reserved, nonconformist, quiet, visionary, honest, demanding, hardworking
It looks like me, doesn't it? =P
Coming back.
Here I am once again! I went to Barcelona to do this entrance exam for the translation studies in the UPF (ugh) and the UAB (yay!) and it was really cool, despite the fact that they were exams, obviously! I met Sunday again, which was wonderful, we had lots of fun and talked a lot about utterly interesting things which I can't really talk to anyone and have the same opinions.
There were also some bad things (the posh people at the UPF was like weird, too many posh ppl there...) the struggle of the two men at the train (which was absolutely frightening, I swear), and being nervous. Now it's all done, I'll see the results on the 27th, and then on the 16th I'll see whether I am accepted or not in the UAB (please, please, accept meee...), so I'm rather nervous.
Anyway, it was wonderful, and now I'm again at Santander, and on tuesday I'm going to visit my sweety piece of heaven and watch him study so haaard =D. I'll be your servant, don't worry, I'll cook the best chicken ever (L).
By the way... I burnt my skin because of the fucking sun over there. It was supposed to be rainy, not sunny, gosh ¬¬.
Now it's all over, thank goodness, and there's only two exams left... Well, in fact one, because I just want to pass the UAB one, but I'll try the UPF just in case... (yn) Anyway, it would be funny passing the UPF exam and not the UAB one because the former is more difficult...
HOWEVER, I finished, I fucking FINISHED, it feels so good...
Besides, I saw Autumn the three days in the university, and also Mallister, which was awesome because I haven's seen them like for ages.
And next week I'm meeting Sunday again! =D.
Anyway, today I've finished Rozen Maiden Traümend, and I'm sooooo blue u______u, it was trully sad, though I didn't like the end as much as I thought I would like it, but gosh, I cried so much ç_ç.
And I have to study Biology and Chemistry. Tsk. I want Overture to download so baaaad... >_>.
P.S.: Souseiseki is a boy, gosh, why I'm finding so many yuris between Souseiseki and Suiseiseki? T_________T.
I love you, sweetheart, I would write something beautiful and pretentious, but I'm just sooooo stressed x_X. Btw, there's not many things you don't know, so it's done. You're wonderful.
Midori no yubi...
Midori no hikari yureteru, kokoro no mori no naka wo aruku
A green light flickers; I walk amid the forest of my heart
耳を 澄ます
Mimi wo, sumasu
I strain my ears to listen
あなたの声が聴こえる 深い深い根で繋がって
Anata no koe ga kikoeru, fukai fukai ne de tsunagatte
I can hear your voice, connected to me by deep, deep roots
小さな樹 辿り着いた
Chiisana ki, tadoritsuita
Reaching their way to a small tree
ああ ただまっすぐ 届けたい 素直な気持ち
Aa, tada massugu, todoketai, sunao na kimochi
Ah, I want to convey my honest feelings, simply and directly
その指が 胸をつかむいばらの蔓を
Sono yubi ga, mune wo tsukamu ibara no tsuru wo
Those fingers begin to unravel
Tokihogu shite yuku
The vine of thorns entwined around my breast
優しく あなたの声 耳に響いてー
Yasashiku, anata no koe, mimi ni hibiite...
Gently, your voice echoes in my ears...
少しだけこの時間に 安らぎを見つけた
Sukoshi dake kono jikan ni, yasuragi wo mitsuketa
For just a little while, I have found peace
Kanji / translation stolen from youtube...
I got this marvellous distinction on my grades. I loooved it. I didn't even thought I would get one (in fact, I reckoned they gave it to someone when you get 10 in every subject XD), so when I read it on this piece of paper it was like OMG.
Anyway, now I'm so happy 'cos I finally got this two days with my boyfriend. He's sooooo cute, and I love so much needling him =D, but I love you, sweetheart, I swear :).
That's it, I didn't want to say anymore. I don't have anymore interesting to tell anyway XD. Oh, yeah, tomorrow I'm oficially over age. So cool. ... *Irony* XD. However, eighteen sound more mature, so it would be better. Blah, some kind of maybe.
Christian The Lion At World's End
Gosh, I'm just about to cry. Sunday sent me this video by e-mail and it's just so emotive, so amazing... It seems that this lion has been breeded by the two young people over the video, because he (the lion) was attacked by some other lion and they adopted him when he was nearly a cub.
This is the reunion of them three. Gosh, and some assholes can even think of animals without feelings. Stupid people.
Letter to an homophobic.
I'm fed up with chemistry and I haven't nearly made the half of the first unit. Gosh.
"Querido" homófobo,
Esta misiva podría estar llena de insultos, rencores e ironías variopintas pero creo que no voy a tomar ese camino. O al menos no creo que siquiera lo merezcas.
¿Y qué si nuestros besos te hierven la sangre? ¿Y qué si nuestros abrazos te amargan la vida? Es tu vida la que se echa a perder. No la mía, acompañado del que amo. Es tu sangre la que se pudre en tus propias venas. No la mía, cálida mientras estoy en los brazos de mi novio. Estás acabado, porque se han cambiado las tornas. Nosotros somos felices, y tú te hundes en la decadencia.
No pretendo escribir una carta extensa, ni siquiera desplegar mi odio en ella, porque no vale la pena. Eres insignificante, y así debe de ser la carta.
He dicho.
Happy anti-homophobia day.
Things to do when I finish exams
x Kiss Him so bad.
x Go shopping.
x Play Final Fantasy.
x Watch anime.
x Read books.
x Tidy up my room.
x Visit Him again.
x Sleep. Gosh, I'm craving for more sleep.
x Study Japanese.
x Watch more films.
x Play piano for hours.
x Buy freaky things.
x Buy clothes.
x Download more music.
x Print On a way to smile, but this one with enough ink so I can read it ¬¬.
x Have FFVII Piano Sheet Music printed.
x Laze about.
x Go out and socialize. Yeah, Wrath, it's time for us to contact with other people XD.
... I need to finish this.
Kakikaerarete higeki ni kawari
Tatta hitotsu shinjiteta hito no kokoro sae mo
Ai mo yume mo maru de suna no oshiro mitai na no
Hakanaku kowarete yuku no yo sore wo nozomanakutatte
Dakedo ima mo wasurerarenai no
Anata ga itsumo utatta MERODII
Mune ni hibiku tabi itsuka modoreru ki ga suru no ano
koro ni
Kitto kitto kaereru no tsunagareta kusari furiharai
Futatsu no sekai ga musubareta aoi umi he
Ai dake wa subete wo norikoeru
Unmei kimeru seiza mo kaerareru
Kiete shimae okubyou no USO mo ima mo...
Houseki no you ni kirameku hahanaru umi no
Yasashisa to ai ni tsutsumare umareta nanatsu no
inochi ga mitsumeru yume ga aru
Dakara watashi mo koko ni kita no
Mou jibun ni USO tsukanai
Mamoru hito ga ite mamoru sekai ga aru kara
Mienakute utagau no wa yowasa
Katachi no nai ai wo shinjitetai
Yagate ai wo kono te ni kanjiru hi made
Sazanami no BEDDO de me wo samashita asa ni
Subete ga owatte hajimaru no
Atatakaku shizuka na hikari ni tsutsumarete
Kibou ga michiteru umi ni kaeru no
Hora shiawase no kane ga natte nanatsu no umi ga
Ai no kiseki wo ichiban suki na anata to futari
Soshite sotto KISU wo shite ne...
Gosh, I still remember the lyrics XD.
And that's it, I'm fed up.
That feeling.
Until today I've been feeling more or less OK, sometimes I just was blue and that's all. But today I've been blocked for about ten minutes. You will think "oh gosh, how drama a queen!" but when I'm saying blocked it's absolutely blocked. I mean, just with one picture in your head, craving for putting it away and couldn't do it. It's terrible, I couldn't care less what you think, whether I'm exaggerating or I'm something of victim.
I just felt so bad. I'm starting to notice he's not here anymore, and that he'll never be here again. And it hurts so much...
The saddest song ever.
itsuma demo hitotsu ni wa,
yasashisa yori fukai basho de,
fureau no wa itami dake,
futari wo musunde kudasai.
Tokura wa mou yume wo minai,
tomadoi nagara te wo totte,
eankoku na yoake no hou e arukidasu,
hontou no kotoba wa kitto,
hontou no sekai no dokoka,
bokura no mukuchina yoru ni hisonderu,
ima mo kitto...
But I decided to change my fare on Orange, so they gave me to choose between some cellphones. In the beginning I didn't want to have a new one, but SEB and Wrath ended up convincing me in buying this super-hyper-rad mobile phone, right? Nokia n73. I' ve always loved Nokias, for the record, and this one looked pretty nice, I only had to pay 39 euros and it is some kind of 3G with so many things I can't remember anyone.
Anyway, I was supposed to get the fucking mobile phone yesterday, but Orange staff didn't seem to want to accept the fucking contract.
Well, I thought today I could get the bloody phone. OK, so guess who hasn't got the Nokia n73.
I'm sort of freak when I'm interested in something, I read a lot about it in internet and all that stuff, firstly I just got over it, but I started looking for information and OMG I want the fucking nokia now.
I'm gonna kill Orange.
Ok, so there's this kind of BIG secret (I'm not going to explain it now, but everyone knows about it I think)and I didn't want anyone to know about it. ANYONE. I mean, I told Wrath about it just the night before it happened. And now I'm receiving lots of SMS like "I'm sorry..." or people on MSN feeling sorry.
I know it's some kind of cool and tender to be right there when someone is blue, but, if you don't really know him, shut the fucking mouth up! Man, I don't know, I don't care if you're sad about it, or if you're over the moon, go and lick the door!
Anyway, there are people who are sending me sms who are nice, and I don't really mind whether they know about it or not, and their sms make me feel loved. But I'm quite sure I'm gonna freak out when I'm back at high school.
Now I'm sort of popular. Oh, gosh.
Yeah, and now go ahead and say I'm blunt and thoughtless.
Stealing things from blogs and thingies.
"Google the phrase "(Your name) looks like" and find the best ones from the first page of results. DONT FORGET TO PUT IT IN QUOTES, otherwise it won't work"
Valentín looks like Mini-Me dressed.
Valentin looks like he has been playing second base his entire career.
Valentin looks like one of the missing evil Mario Bros.
Valentin looks like a 70’s porn star. (I swear I found it XD!!)
Valentin looks like a little like a cyborg warrior.
So... Yeah, Natsuki and Salma, go and do it, it's nice =D.
Anyway, I'm so tired I could die. My cells are craving for eons of sleeping.
Current music: Armor for sleep - The truth about heaven.
Test from Salma
✓ I don’t watch much TV these days.
✓ I own lots of books.
✓ I wear glasses or contact lenses.
✓ I love to play videogames.
× I have tried marijuana.
✓ I have watched porn movies.
× I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
✓ I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
✓ I curse sometimes.
✓ I’ve changed a lot mentally over the last year.
× I carry a knife/razor everywhere with me.
× I have broken someone’s bones.
✓ I have a secret that I’m ashamed to reveal.
× I hate the rain.
✓ I’m paranoid at times.
× I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost and scar-free.
× I need/want money right now.
✓ I love sushi.
× I talk really, really fast.
× I have a fresh breath in the morning.
× I have long hair.
× I have lost money in a casino.
✓ I have at least one sibling.
× I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
✓ I like the way I look.
× I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months.
✓ I am usually pessimistic.
✓ I have a lot of mood swings.
× I have slept with a roommate.
× I am always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
× I have a lot of friends.
✓ I have kissed someone of the same sex.
✓ I enjoy talking on the phone.
× I practically live in sweatpants or pijama pants.
✓ I love to shop and/or window shop.
× I’m obsessed with my blog.
× I’m completely embarrassed to be seen with my parents.
✓ I have a mobile phone.
× I have passed out drunk in the last 6 months.
✓ I have rejected someone before.
✓ I currently like/love someone.
× I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
✓ I want to have children in the future.
× I’m not allergic to anything.
✓ I have a lot to learn.
× I am shy around the opposite sex.
✓ I’m online 24/7, even as an away message. (More or less)
✓ I have tried alcohol or drugs before.
✓ I have made a move on a friend’s significant other or crush in the past.
✓ I have avoided assignments at work/school to be on the internet.
✓ I would die for my best friend.
✓ I’m obsessive, often a perfectionist.
× I have used my sexuality to advance on my career.
× I have dated a close friend’s ex.
✓ I am happy at this moment.
× I’m obsessed with guys.
✓ I go for older guys/girls, not younger.
✓ I study for tests most of the times.
× I love my job.
✓ I am comfortable with who I am right now.
✓ I have more than just my ears pierced.
✓ I walk barefoot whenever I can.
× I have jumped off a bridge.
× I spend ridiculous amounts of money on makeup.
✓ I am proficient on a musical instrument.
× I went to university out of my state.
× I am adopted.
× I am a pyromaniac.
✓ I have thrown up from crying too much.
✓ I have been intentionally hurt by people that I loved.
✓ I fall for the worst people. (I used to, not now =))
✓ I like bright colours.
✓ I can whistle.
✓ I talk in my sleep.
✓ I have often thought I was born in the wrong century.
✓ I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
× I have tattoos.
✓ I am a caffeine junkie.
✓If I knew I would get away with it, I would commit at least one murder.
× I enjoy a nice glass of wine.
✓ I’m an artist.
× I am ambidextrous.
× I have terrible teeth.
✓ I have more friends on the internet than in real life.
× I am extremely flexible.
✓ I like hugs more than kisses.
× I smoke.
✓ I spend way too much time on the computer.
✓ Nobody has ever said I am normal.
✓ Sad movies, games or music can often cause a trickle of tears every now and then.
× I am proficient in the use of many types of weapons.
✓ I like the way women look in stylized men’s suits.
✓ I have been described as a dreamer or likely to have my head up in the clouds.
× I have played strip poker with someone else before.
✓ I believe in ghosts and the paranormal.
✓ I can’t stand being alone.
✓ I have at least one obsession at any given time.
✓ I’m a judgemental asshole.
✓ I’m a HUGE drama queen.
× I sometimes wish my father would just disappear.
✓ I need people to tell me I’m good at something in order to feel that I am.
✓ I can speak more than one language.
✓ I can fall asleep even if the whole room is as noisy as it can be.
✓ I would rather read than watch TV.
✓ I like reading fact more than fiction.
✓ I have pulled an all-nighter on an assigment I was given a month to do.
✓ I have piercings.
× I have spent the night in a bus station or other public place.
× I have been so upset about my physical gender that I’ve cried.
✓ There have been many times when I have wondered “Why was I born?” and may have cried over it.
✓ I like most animals better than most people.
× I own a collection of retro game consoles.
× I am compulsively dishonest.
× I have gone from wishing I was a boy to revelling in being a girl to feeling like a boy again in the span of five minutes and finally not cared at all about my actual sex. (WTF?!)
✓ I am unashamedly bisexual, I have different motivations for my desires for different genders.
× I sometimes won’t sleep or eat a whole day because I forget to.
× Even though I live on my own I still cry sometimes because I miss my mother.
✓ I have liked something which a majority of people claimed was either bad or weird.
✓ I don’t think strippers are greedy or slutty for dancing.
✓ I had the teen angst thing going on for at least 2-3 years.
✓ I love to sing.
✓ I have a thing for redheads.
✓ Most of the times, I’d rather do something intellectual instead of doing something generically ‘fun’.
× Once I set out to finish something, I always stay at it until it is complete before I move on to something else.
✓ I wish there were a way to erase past mistakes.
× I sleep more than 12 hours a day.
✓ I wish I could be prouder of what I’ve accomplished, but it’s never enough.
× I need more time to myself.
× I hope that I go prematurely grey.
✓I love playing Truth or Dare.
× I contradict myself a lot.
✓ I think this survey was particularly long.
Yeah, I loved it, Salma =D. I don't tell anyone to do it. If you want to, go ahead ;).
I needed to put it across though...
Current music: Welcome to the black parade - My chemical romance.
I've heated milk, and then dropped it in the cup. And then I've seen his ashtray. I hate being right, I really do. A lot of people (I should say everyone) thinks I love being right and showing off, but it isn't true, I feel annoyed because it's like I've stepped on someone who was wrong, I feel pretty uncomfortable.
But today I've known I hate it. It is no more not liking it. I loathe being right. Now I know it.
Current music: my heartbeats. I swear I can feel them on my temples.
First appearance.
So I decided just a few seconds ago to start today. Today isn't a very special day. In six days it's to be an utterly special day, though =).
I decided to start today because I've studied in the weirdest place ever, the high school bathrooms. ... I'll explain it.
We were all freaking out because of the bloody history exam, right? So a nice quantity of us decided to go to the library so we could study in the Chemistry hour. Well, Wrath, Amy, Nan, Martha and me went there, we began studying, all right...
But then the bitchest teacher in the high school told us to go to class because "we were supposed to be there eventhough we weren't there". So we went looking for an empty classroom to study. But we didn't find anyone.
Well, could you ever ever believe that we ended studying in the girl's bathrooms? I was sharing the bathtub with Wrath, and studying History. If you tell me this isn't odd, I would die.
The best part of it is that we studied so hard the things which were supposed to appear in the exam. Do you know what? No one of them appeared.
Anyway, I hate History, but swotting there made it really funny =).
Current music: Fallen embers - Enya.